Thursday, 5 February 2015

Inside Poster - With Feedback

Some pictures are requested for the poster inside, showing off the food that they sell.

Something eye catching must be used for the inside poster so that the customer can 

Something Appealing is essential for our poster as it must attract the attention of the customers inside. A good palet of colours will be used to achieve this.

Contact details are crucial for the inside poster as the general idea was for the customer to contact Luis before rating the restaurant. Any improvements or feedback is welcomed by Nanna Mexico. 

Facebook info and Twitter info will be added on to the poster to get more followers which will create a higher chance for word of mouth. 

Monday, 2 February 2015

TV Advertisement for Nanna Mexico

With the success of my selected company Nanna Mexico, a TV advertisement could be possible. I have done sone research and the cheapest deal for a TV Advertisement is around £10,000. The TV advertisement company I went with is the cheapest and most efficient around. All the equipment would come with the cost e.g. camera and lighting.  We have already come up with the idea for our TV advert for Nanna Mexico. The idea we went for is an advert based inside the restaurant. This wil be a musical advert which creates a catchy tune that will imprint itself on to the viewers mind. The advert starts with one the employees washing in the kitchen listening to music.This progresses on to a catch Nanna Mexico tune with some crazy dancing.

Storyboard for Nanna Mexico