Monday, 12 January 2015

Legal and Ethical Issues

If there was going to be a problem with my advert it would possible come from the word they used "Stolen". There is a small possibility that it could be misinterpreted and lead viewers to steal the product their advertising. It may influence children to start stealing stuff.

In general I believe my advert is safe for all viewers and relates to both female/male audience members. The fact that a celebrity has been used in their advert may just promote the fact that even celebrities choose this ice-cream.

With my advert, I believe that a very low number of people would complain to the ASA about anything shown in this advertisement. The use of both woman and man would only highlight that its for both sexes. There are few words used, which will cause no offence. There are no sexual innuendos which would usually cause offence with ice-cream adverts. Overall the advert uses clean/safe imagery to assure no offence is made to anyone.

The ASA manages advertisement in the UK. ASA stands for Advertising Standards Authority. The company has made guide lines for adverts to follow to minimize any offence caused. They were formed in 1961 and have been strong ever since. If any complaints are received, they will follow up on it and either respectfully ignore the complaint or take action. Even if one complaint is made, they will follow up on it. This shows dedication and how much they care for people who get offended.

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