Monday 15 December 2014


They have clearly used the polar bear and the scenery to make us feel sorry towards him. The use of black oil clearly represents the oil companies which have left their imprint on the polar icecaps. The font for greed is obviously the biggest which clearly makes its point. The point for the advert is to create awareness for oil companies destroying habits for the Polar bears. The only colours used are black and white (apart for Greenpeace which is is green) this was cleverly done so that their point is easily made. They used a sad looking Polar bear surrounded by broken ice to strengthen their point. They have used a well thought process to manipulate people into supporting their charity. A hand covered in black (caught black handed) the black hand represents oil, this shows that a human has done this crime and that they are causing damage to Antartica. The advert is used it to create awareness and to gain supporters for Greenpeace. They have clearly thought of the colours and images to create the most awareness. 

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