Sunday 14 June 2015

Client Feedback

On the 25th we spoke to Luis, owner of Nanna Mexico. We spoke to him about the history of his company and what he wanted for his advertisement campaign.

Luis wanted us to create an inside and outside poster for Nanna Mexico. The idea was to lure people in with outside poster, and to gain feedback from the inside poster. With feedback he could find out what his target audience liked/didn't like. The target audience was tourist and students who lived around the Cambridge area.

We sent Luis a the final posters a few days after.

Client Feedback on Final Posters
‘Hello guys,
Very well done. The documents you produced are excellent and we will use some of your design in the production of material. Both items reflect very well the image of the company. The design and layout is very attractive. The way we may use it is by isolating an item of the poster to highlight its content. That way the impact of that particular item will get maximum and immediate attention to the quick glance.
I particularly liked the use of colour in the background and the distribution of images.
It is always a pleasure to work with young and talented people. Work hard and I wish you the best.

Upon receiving our client’s feedback, to say the least, Louis and I were very proud of our selves when we had read the email. As you can see, Luis made it clear he was really happy with the final look of the two posters and wishes he would use some of the features for the official poster that will be hung up in the restaurant. One of the features he loved about our posters was the use of colour and how much of an impact the poster gives to viewers eyes on a first glance. Overall, he was very happy to have worked with us.

 After receiving our feedback, we pushed to our limits and made sure we stuck with Luis’ wishes, making the poster bright and colourful and also an invite to our target audience. We followed the advertising plan very well and kept to what the target audience wanted.  

Resources and equipment we will need:

1 good quality camera
Nanna Mexico Logo
Nanna Mexico information 
Pictures of food 
Location and opening Times
Client number

Budget Plan 
(Over all income from Louis and Josh)
8 hours X 3 a week = 24
24 X 3 = 72
72 X 5.13= 369.36
369.36X2 = 738.72

Three Ideas:
Two Nanna Mexico Posters - £5 or free from Long Road (3 weeks to produce, 1 hour to print)

£10 - £538.72= £528.72

Legal and Ethical 
When creating the poster will make sure that no offence is made towards any Mexicans. No racial or discriminating content will be used on our poster. The use of cliché Mexican symbols won’t be used within the making of the poster. We will aim not be stepping over the line over any words of phrases that will offend people.

Final Posters after Feedback

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